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 Israeliten und Juden:  Kurzfassung | Jüdischer Nationalismus
1) Ägypten wurde in der Heiligen Bibel etwa 600 Mal erwähnt. Aber die Israeliten wurden nur einmal erwähnt. Warum?
2) Warum wurden die Pyramiden niemals in einer der israelitischen Geschichten erwähnt?
Die hebräische Bibel sagt nichts aus über die Pyramiden oder die antike ägyptische Kultur. Wie merkwürdig!

Die Behauptung ist, dass selbst die hebräische Bibel eine einzige Verdrehung von Tatsachen ist.
Tarig Anter:

"There is not a single tomb, record, borrowed words, possibility of sustaining herding nomads in a desert like Egypt".
"Must we prove an old fiction story is not real? Put the question right. Ask them: Did you prove any of your tales?".
"Dishonest researchers and all the Jews and churches all jealous persons will ridicule new findings and that is expected."
"The real question is, can they prove it? And if not, why they ask to prove anything much reasonable and logical than their stupid tale".
"Can they prove that all the world came from just one Adam?"
"The world has to raise tow points. 1) the false historicity and unscientific grounds of the Hebrew Bible, then 2) Discovering the new and true story of the ancient Israelite and the Christianity."

Dies sind natürlich hervorragende Argumente von Tarig Anter. Aus diesem Grunde möchte ich den Theorien von Tarig Anter weiter folgen und er zeigt mir mit jedem Satz den er mir schreibt, dass er sehr gut recherchiert.

Tarig Anter:
"I am pushing hard to make my hypothesis known, and once any influential entity get interested and back it up, the the processes of transforming it to established scientific reality will be achieved. But until that happened the old tales of the HB must be exposed, even if there is no other alternatives. These are two separate issues. 1. the false historicity and unscientific grounds of the HB, then 2. Discovering the new and true history of the ancient Israelite and the Christianity."

"Judaism or Jewishness both are just one political ideology in the forms of religion and nationality respectively. It was created first in 530 BC by Turkic Mongolians who colonized Iran and invented Persia. It is not at all a religion, or an ethnicity, or a nationality."

2) the HEBREW were the ISRAELITE who invaded and colonized Canaan 1406 bc,
3) the EARLIER JEWS were ASIAN TURKIC MONGOLIANS who came via Babylonia,
4) The EARLIER JEWS expelled ten tribes from the Hebrew and absorbed two tribes. They also expelled the Canaanite.
5) the MODERN JEWS are the TURKIC MONGOLIANS who mixed with their European slaves.


1) The Hebrew were Arab Yemenis,
2) The earlier Jews were Asian Turkic Mongolians who came via Iraq (Babylonien),
3) The modern Jews are Turkic Mongolians who came mainly from Europe and Russia,
4) The Palestinians are a mixture of foreign settlers brought by the earlier Jews from Crete and other Mediterranean regions.

None of these four groups has legitimate claim to Canaan."

Ich kann Ihnen empfehlen, diesen Artikel von Tarig Anter komplett zu lesen:

ARBI (=Araber)

Die Juden von heute identifizieren sich heute mit den hebräischen Israeliten. Das ist eine raffinierte Täuschung.
Die ursprünglichen Israeliten stammen aus Yemen und dem südlichen Arabien (Asir) und nicht aus dem heutigen Israel (Palästina). Die ursprünglichen Israeliten sprachen eine arabische Sprache sprach, die bis 1480 v. Chr. als "Musnad" bezeichnet wurde. Diese arabischen Israeliten wurden ARBI (=Arabs) genannt.

Wichtig: "ARBI turned Hebrew"

EBRI (=Hebrew)
1) Die Israeliten stammen ursprünglich aus dem Yemen und dem südlichen Arabien.
2) Die Israeliten zogen zunächst westwärts nach Äthiopien, wo sie sich zwischen 1876 und 1446 v. Chr. niederließen. (Aufenthaltsdauer = 430 Jahre). Unter diesem Einfluss veränderte sich ihre ursprüngliche arabische Sprache drastisch.
3) Als die arabischen Israeliten im Jahre 1406 v. Chr. Canaa eroberten, trugen sie immer noch den Namen ARBI (=Arabs).
4) Erst nach der Invasion der Israeliten in Canaa 1406 v. Chr. und durch Verheiratung mit den dortigen Stämmen (ca. 1000 v. Chr.) nannten sie sich EBRI (= Hebrew), weil sich ihre Schrift und ihre Sprache änderte. Erst ab diesem Zeitpunkt können die Israeliten als "hebrew israelites" bezeichnet werden. Denn die ersten ältesten hebräischen Inschriften stammen aus dem Jahre 1000 v.Chr.. Die Entwicklung der Sprache ist eine heiße Spur! Man muß aber auch noch unterscheiden zwischen "faithful Israelites", die nach den 10 Geboten von Moses lebten, und "unfaithful Israelites", die nicht danach lebten.

5) Der Judaismus entwickelte sich erst mit der Rückkehr der Israeliten aus der babylonischen Gefangenschaft im Jahre 537 v. Chr.. Während der babylonischen Gefangenschaft entwickelte sich der babylonische
Talmud , der an Menschenverachtung nicht zu übertreffen ist. Der noch wichtigere Punkt ist, dass mit der Rückkehr der Israeliten persische Turkvölker (türkische Mongolen) nach Canaa strömten und den dort lebenden Menschen ihren Stempel aufdrückten.


Das bedeutet:
1) Die heutigen Israelis sind ursprünglich keine Semiten, da die wahren Israeliten aus dem Jemen und aus dem südlichen Arabien kamen. Damit haben die ursprünglichen Israeliten auch keinen Anspruch auf Israel.
2) Das angeblich gelobte Land Israel liegt eigentlich in Jemen und Asir (Asir liegt heute in Saudi Arabien).
3) Die Juden und der Judaismus entwickelten sich aus persischen Turkvölkern, die sich den Israeliten bei ihrer Rückkehr aus dem babylonischem Exil angeschlossen hatten.
4) Das gelobte Land der Israeliten ist nicht Israel und auch nicht Palästina.

>>>>"The Hebrew Israelites are Semitic Arabs (Israelis of Yemeni origin)"<<<<

"The Israelite were not called Hebrew (Ebri) before they invaded Canaan in 1406 BC, they were still called by others and by themselves Arbi “Arabs”. Many Israelite after the death of Moses refused to join the invasion of Canaan and preferred to remain in their original homeland of Yemen and Asir (now in Saudi Arabia); and they either continued normal life as it was before the Scriptures or followed the original teachings of Moses which was not yet called Judaism."
The History of Israel and Judaism Debunked

Summary of the Main Falsehoods in the History of Israel and Judaism

The Hebrew Israelite are nomadic Arab tribe, (Hebrew=Ebri=Arbi=Arab).
The homeland of the Hebrew Israelite is Yemen and Asir (now in Saudi Arabia).
The Hebrew Israelite took fled drought and disturbances in Yemen to Ethiopia.
The Hebrew Israelite never went to Egypt at any time.
(Warum wurden die Pyramiden in der Bibel nie erwähnt? Weil sie niemals dort waren!)

The Hebrew Israelite refuge in Ethiopia lasted 430 years (1876 -1446 BC).
The Hebrew Israelite harmed the Ethiopians although they were well received and treated.
Many Hebrew Israelites went into the Sudan and other parts of East and Central Africa.
The Hebrew Israelite raided, looted, and enslaved many nations in Africa.
The actions of the Hebrew Israelite destroyed many African tribes and states.
Moses fled Ethiopia to the Sudan and was involved in power and military struggles.
Moses married a Nubian Sudanese daughter of Shua’ib the priest of Midian.
Midian and the holy tree are in the Sudan, where God first spoke to Moses.
Ethiopian kings
ordered the expulsion of The Hebrew Israelite and welcomed their departure.
Ethiopian kings refused to allow The Hebrew Israelite to take the illegal wealth they made.
The Hebrew Israelite fled Ethiopia secretly to keep their illegal wealth which was banned.
The Exodus was in 1446 BC by crossing the Red Sea at Bab El-Mandeb.
Many Hebrew Israelite remained behind in Ethiopia, the Sudan, and other parts of Africa
The Hebrew Israelite returned to their homeland in Yemen and avoided contacts with Arabs.
Mount Sinai (the mount of Moon/ or beauty) is in Yemen and not east of Egypt.
Moses received the Ten Commandments and the original 5 books in Yemen.
The Promised Land is the same old home land of the ancient Hebrew Israelite
The Promised Land for the Hebrew Israelite is only for the faithful Israelite.
Immediately the death of Moses the Hebrew Israelite forged the 5 Books of Moses.
The Hebrew Israelite
rejected their home land and claimed that the Promised Land is Canaan.
The Hebrew Israelite started a long journey passing by the Mecca towards Canaan to invade it.
The Hebrew Israelite
raided then conquered the Canaanite in 1400 BC after long disturbances.
The Arab Hebrew Israelite were never called “Jews” during their first settlements in Canaan.
The Hebrew Israelite created 12 separate tribal settlements in occupied Canaan.
The Hebrew Israelite plunged into bloody tribal wars that ended with the supremacy of Judah.
The rule of Judah over all the Hebrew Israelite ended by another civil war resulting in two states.
Nomadic Turkic Mongolian bands went into raiding Iran, Mesopotamia, Caucasus, and Anatolia.
Pagan Turkic Mongolians were practicing a cult called Tengeri (Sky, Moon, and Star).
The Turkic Mongolians
conquered the Iranians and created the first Persian state over Iran.
The Turkic Mongolians took away Babylonia from the Assyrian Empire, then invaded Assyria.
The Turkic Mongolians invaded Canaan in 605 BC which was under Hebrew Israelite occupation.
After failing to pay tributes the Turkic Mongolians arrested the rulers of Hebrew Israelite.
The captured rulers of Hebrew Israelite were few hundred and were deported to Babylonia.
All the Israelites remained in Canaan and were forced to pay tributes to Turkic Persians.
Massive Israelite Captivity to Babylonia never took place, other than for few hundreds in 585 BC.
The Turkic Persians designed a plan to take over occupied Canaan without military occupation.
The Turkic Persians invented a political policy and called it “Judaism” as a religious take over.
Starting from 535 BC the Persians sent many hundreds of thousands of settlers to Canaan.
The new Turkic settlers claimed that they are the legitimate descendants of the Israelite rulers.
The new Turkic settlers sent to Canaan created new ethnic group which was named “the Jews”.
The Jews are not the Judeans, or from the Hebrew Israelite, nor of any Semitic origin.
The Turkic Jews started ruling the occupied Canaan since 530 BC with supports from Persians.
The Turkic Jews created massive demographic changes among the Israelites in occupied Canaan.
The marriages between Israelites and Canaanites were nulled to allow Turkic Jews to marry.
Ten Israelite tribes were persecuted and deported to other lands, which made them Lost Tribes.
Turkic Jews exchanged and brought settlers from the Mediterranean creating the Palestinians.
Pagan Turkic Khazars
received groups from other Turkic colonies in 660 AD to turn to Judaism.

Brief of the Consequences of the True History of Israel and Judaism

The Hebrew Israelite are totally different from the newly invented Jews.
The Jews are not Semite at all but they are of Turkic Mongolian origin.
The Yemen is the homeland of Hebrew Israelite.
Ethiopia has considerable original Hebrew Israelite population than the State of Israel.
The Israelite presence, slavery, and Exodus from Egypt never existed.
The present day Torah and Old Testament were forged to legitimize the invasion of Canaan.
Anti-Semitism is a hoax invented by Turkic Jews who falsely claim to be Semite.
Canaan is not a holy land to the Jews, nor a Promised Land to the Hebrew Israelite.
Canaan is not homeland to Palestinians, who came from Crete and the rest of Mediterranean.
The Arab-Israeli conflict is an illegitimate case deliberately manufactured.

Tarig Anter unterscheidet zwischen:

First Group:
The ancient Yemeni Semite Arab Hebrews Israelite "sons of Israel" those who entered Ethiopia staring with Patriarch Joseph then into the whole of Africa before the Ten Commandments in 1446 BC. This Semitic group created wide spread Hebrew Israelite slavery in all parts of Africa.

Second Group:
The ancient Yemeni Semite Arab Hebrews Israelite "sons of Israel" who went back to Yemen in the Exodus of 1446 BC then , invaded, colonized, and mixed with the Canaanites since 1406 BC. Later on, they were mostly deported to North Africa by the third group since the invention of Jews and Judaism.

Third Group:
And, the third group is the Turkic Mongolian "Jews" and followers of "Judaism" who were invented by Turkic Persia in 580 BC after a fraudulent Babylonian Return, replacing few hundreds of Hebrew Israelite captive rulers from the House of David by many hundreds of thousands of Turkic settlers. This created “The Jews” who invaded and colonized the Hebrew Israelite former invaders and colonizers of Canaan.

"The name YHVH was injected into the text of the Old Testament by the Pharisees and others who practiced Babylonian Satanism (the precursor to Cabalism and Talmudism). For those who don't believe the Talmud is Satanic it proclaims that Christ is in Hell boiling in excrement and semen (Gittin, 56b,57a)."

Lucifer's purpose is to deceive the whole world (Rev 12:9) by transforming himself into an angel of light (2 Co 11:4). This is best exemplified by the Freemasons. Their motto of "making good men better" produces a far more favorable public image than the more accurate alternative: "how to become demon-possessed in 33-easy-steps." The Jewish and Masonic religions both worship the same god- Lucifer.

"Qades, as mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, is a Yemenite mountain 80 KM south of modern day Taa’iz city and it has nothing to do with Jerusalem. According to Islamic Hadith (traditions) the first Qibla (Direction during prayers) was towards Bayt al-Muqaddas (supposedly Solomon’s Temple), only that had actually been built in Northern Yemen and not in Jerusalem’s Palestine as everybody believes (more details on that in the book)"


"In the third century BC, the Hebrew Bible was translated to Greek at the legendary Library of Alexandria. Seventy Jewish scribes were assigned this task by King Ptolemy II (Greek monarch of Egypt at the time). In the Greek translation the Jewish scribes had fraudulently relocated the theatre of the Biblical stories from North Yemen and South Arabia to Egypt and Palestine."

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